Wisdom Essentials

The two founders of Wisdom Essentials were  caught in the collision of western and eastern medicine when they realized that big pharma was creating bigger problems than the ones they were alleviating for people reaching middle age. Treating pain with opioids was causing dependence and death, and they realized that a plant-based CBD solution would make life better. With CBD products flooding the market, they needed to understand their customer and create a brand that would resonate. Outfront jumped in as part of a team, to co-create the solution. Outfront Solutions identified a market of “Modern Mid-Lifers” (people in middle-age with a growth mindset who are living their best lives) and created the brand strategy and messaging focused on building community through shared wisdom and experiences. We coined the term “modern midlifer” and established the brand voice. Together with the team Outfront  named products and applied the strategy to the website and packaging. www.wisdomessentials.com

We knew we wanted to create a CBD and botanical brand specifically formulated for older adults when Outfront Solutions stepped in to help Wisdom Essentials. What we didn’t know was how to deeply understand our target customers, the most compelling reasons for them to buy, how to talk to them, and how to create a compelling brand position. Outfront developed a strategic framework to answer these questions and pitched in to help implement on our website and more. Today, we are consistently connecting with our audience (Modern Midlifers) across platforms and touchpoints, and we’re grateful for the insight, sophistication and inspiration Outfront helped infuse into the Wisdom Essentials brand.

— Denis Keane, Tom Lamb, Wisdom Essentials


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Jennifer Kenny