Jennifer Kenny

Possessing an embarrassment of riches in capabilities and results generated for clients like Stanford Research Institute and Toyota Autonomous Cars, master of innovation Jennifer Kenny needed to find clear and compelling ways to describe her solutions that increase the velocity of profitable customer-centric innovation in complex technical environments. Applying personal branding techniques born from working on the personal brands of some of the most foremost leaders in the US (from Steve Jobs to Carly Fiorina) and  years of work with organizations representing all sizes and sectors, Outfront Solutions created a personal brand strategy and messaging approach that positions Jennifer Kenny for more Enterprise and C-Suite projects and a board seat on public companies.  Outfront  helped her create a personal/executive branding foundation, messaging and a website that showcases her offerings, speaking expertise and thought leadership and explains how she fuels innovation, performance, and revenue

I had struggled for years to really nail my brand positioning and messaging. New prospects knew they liked me and what I had to say, but weren’t really clear on what I offered. Nicole & Jeanine of Outfront Solutions were able to create newfound precision and clarity around my executive brand. Then they graciously rolled up their sleeves to partner and pull the new branding platform through to meet the specific goals of our marketing and business development materials and website. Their expertise and insight are palpable—I’d leap at the chance to work with Nicole and Jeanine again. 

— Jennifer Kenny, Master of Innovation


Wisdom Essentials

