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Customer Success: Marketing’s Most Overlooked, Important Revenue-Generator (Guest speaker Lauren Costella) - Unboxing Growth

Customer success marketing revenue generator with Lauren Costella-Reber

Join us and our guest speaker: Lauren Costella, Chief Customer Officer, as she tells the story of her 10-year journey in customer service and why we should consider it a value driver as opposed to a cost center.

  • Are there hidden value propositions among your customers that you might not be aware of?

  • What makes for a long-term customer?

  • What parts of the customer journey are you losing people, and why?

These are some of the questions a Customer Success approach to client management can answer.

Free Webinar and open to all. Register now or get access to the recordinghere

October 20

Your Headshot/Visual Branding: An Instant StoryTelling Tool! (Guest Photographer Joins Our Discussion)- Unboxing Growth

December 15

The 4 Top Online Buying Signals - Unboxing Growth